Creating an account with, enables you to checkout faster, save frequent delivery addresses, access order history and track your order. When you choose to check out as guest, an account will be automatically created for you.
- Once you see your desired bloom, enter
- Your recipient name
- Sender name
- A personalised message (Limited to 300 words)
- We will exclude a personalised card if any of these fields are left blank
- Click on the “Add to Cart” button. You may continue shopping until you are ready to complete your purchase. Review your items by clicking on “My Basket” located at the top right corner.
- After checking the items in your shopping bag, click on “Checkout” to complete your order.
Step 1: Enter your delivery and billing addresses. Please ensure that all fills are entered correctly.
Step 2: If you have a discount code, enter the code and click on the “Apply Discount” button.
Step 3: To complete your order, simply select your preferred payment method. To confirm, click “Review Order”. Once done, you will be receive a confirmation email with an order summary.
- Credit Card
- PayNow
- GrabPay
Please note for PayNow and GrabPay payment options, payment must be completed within 10 minutes to confirm order.